To achieve your desired career goal, you need to trust and believe in yourself.

This is something I did not do at the very start of my career. NOT ENOUGH SELF-BELIEF overpowered me, and I did not opt for something I really wanted to do – which was to study Psychology. However, I did study Human Resources.

Throughout the last 12 years of my career as an HR professional, my inner voice constantly prodded me with the thought – I can do more.

For this reason, at the start of Covid-19, when morale and uncertainty were at their lowest, and people were losing their jobs left right and centre, I took it upon myself to use my skills to help those in need. I started offering free resume consultation services, from July 2020. This helped me reconnect with my true self and my deeper values of making a difference by empowering others.

This act, set me on a new path, which is becoming a Career Coach & Consultant, with a mission to add value to people’s lives by supporting them to achieve their career goals.